Data structures

Examples of the data structures found in the data namespace.

Further readings


Avoid null/undefined checks

Using Maybe allows to avoid null and undefined checks.

const { data: {Maybe} } = require('futils');

const DATA = {
  a: { b: 3 }

const safeGet = prop => x =>
  prop in x
    ? Maybe.from(x[prop])
    : Maybe.empty();

safeGet('a')(DATA).flatMap(safeGet('b')); // -> Some(3)
safeGet('a')(DATA).flatMap(safeGet('c')); // -> None()

Use Maybe to implement a safe query function for DOM elements.

const { data: {Maybe} } = require('futils');

const safeQuery = selector => x =>
  Maybe.from(x && x.querySelector ? x.querySelector(selector) : null);

  .flatMap(safeQuery('.main-article'));  // -> Some(<article>)

  .flatMap(safeQuery('.not-exisiting')); // -> None()

Pretty Error handling

The Either structure makes it easy to provide a much nicer handling of Errors and/or to short-circuit a Error producing operation with an appropriate failure description.

const { data: {Either} } = require('futils');

const isNum = x => typeof x === 'number' && !isNaN(x);

const multiply = x => y =>
  isNum(x) && isNum(y)
    ? Either.Right(x * y)
    : Either.Left(`Cannot multiply ${y} with ${x}`);

const divide = x => y =>
  isNum(x) && isNum(y)
    ? x !== 0
        ? Either.Right(y / x)
        : Either.Left(`Division by zero ${y}/${x}`)
    : Either.Left(`Cannot divide ${y} by ${x}`);

  .flatMap(divide(4));   // -> Right(1)

  .flatMap(divide(4));   // -> Left('Cannot multiply NaN with 2')

  .flatMap(divide(0));   // -> Left('Division by zero 4/0')

  .flatMap(divide(NaN)); // -> Left('Cannot divide 4 by NaN')

Modify local state

To modify some local state in place, the State data structure can be utilized. The example below shows how it is used to modify the index positions of items in an Array.

const { data: {State} } = require('futils');

const DATA = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'];
const INDEX_MASK = [
    [0, 3], // switch first and forth in place   => ['d', 'b', 'c', 'a']
    [2, 3], // switch third and fourth in place  => ['d', 'b', 'a', 'c'] 
    [3, 1]  // switch fourth and second in place => ['d', 'c', 'a', 'b']

const shiftArray = mask => State.get()
  .flatMap(xs => {
    if (mask.length < 1) {
      return State.of(xs);

    // === MODIFY ARRAY ===
    let shift = mask[0];
    let temp = xs[shift[0]];
    xs[shift[0]] = xs[shift[1]];
    xs[shift[1]] = temp;
    // === MODIFY ARRAY ===

    return State.put(xs).flatMap(() => shiftArray(mask.slice(1)));

  .run([...DATA]); // -> ['d', 'c', 'a', 'b']

Synchronous I/O and side effects

The IO data structure is used to write a simple API for window.localStorage.

const { data: {IO} } = require('futils');

// type Todo = { id :: Number, title :: String, closed :: Boolean }

// DATA :: [ Todo ]
const DATA = [
  { id: 0, title: 'Test todo 1', closed: false },
  { id: 1, title: 'Test todo 2', closed: true }

const localStore = IO.of(window.localStorage);

const read = key => IO(storage =>
    ? null
    : JSON.parse(storage.getItem(key))

const write = key => data => IO(storage => {
  storage.setItem(key, JSON.stringify(data));
  return storage;

const saveAs = slot => todos => store =>
    read(slot).flatMap(oldTodos =>
        .map(_ => !oldTodos ? [] : JSON.parse(oldTodos))

saveAs('my-todo-app')(DATA)(localStore); // -> IO ([ Todo ])

Async code

Using Task to make a lazy Promise.

const { data: {Task} } = require('futils');

const getJSON = url => Task((reject, resolve) => {
  fetch(url).then(r => r.json())

const getUsers = getJSON(''); // -> Task Error JSON
  err => console.error('Error occured', err),
  users => console.log('Received data', users)

Using Task to wrap node's fs module.

const { data: {Task} } = require('futils');
const fs = require('fs');

const readFile = path => Task((reject, resolve) =>
  fs.readFile(path, 'utf8', (err, data) => {
    if (err) {
      return reject(err);

const writeFile = path => data => Task((reject, resolve) =>
  fs.writeFile(path, 'utf8', data, err => {
    if (err) {
      return reject(err);

const copyFile = path => destination =>

    err => console.error('Error whily copying', err),
    path => console.log('Copied to', path)