
Related tutorials:

To help you get started, here's a quick start guide to get you up and running the library in a node based environment. Throughout, you'll be introduced to the structure of the library and to some of it's most common functions and data containers.

The expected result

By completing the tutorial, you should have a working text processor which allows to obfuscate the contents of a text file with the help of a parser in just 31 lines of actual code. It can process single words, lines of words or complete paragraphs with linebreaks. In case you want to have a peek at what we are striving for:
futils at npm.runkit.com

How this library is organized

The library itself is divided into several packages or modules, and the documentation is organized the same way. In it, you'll find that each piece of documentation is accompanied by short example codes to give brief introductions. Here is a short list of all modules of futils.

Package Namespace Description
Trampoline .trampoline Useful to create tail recursive functions in a not tail recursive language.
Operation .operation Functions that allow to operate with various data structures in a Point-Free form.
Lambda .lambda Contains helpers for working with functions, like curry, flip and compose.
ADT .adt Allows easy creation of algebraic single and union data types.
Generics .generics Building blocks for new data structures which can derive generic methods.
Monoid .monoid A collection of some of the most common monoidal structures like Sum and All.
Data .data Pre-made data structures. All of these implement various typeclasses (like Monad).
Optic .optic van Laarhoven based lenses for Object and Array structures.

Step 1: Download

The library can be loaded either by downloading it from NPM, by getting it from a CDN or by downloading it from Github. This quickstart uses NPM.

Source Snippet
NPM npm i futils
CDN <script src="https://unpkg.com/futils@latest"></script>
Github <script src="local/path/to/futils.js"></script>

Before you start This quickstart assumes you are familier with the concepts of curry, compose/pipe, map and reduce. It further assumes you have a basic understanding of Monoid and Functor. In case you haven't any clue, feel free to read on but keep in mind that some things will make more sense if you know these terms and understand their meaning.

Step 2: Modeling types

To model the types, we make use of the ADT package. Modeling custom types can add clarity to your code signatures and therefor makes them easier to understand. It is a good idea to first sketch out what types you are going to use in your program and then implement them as special containers which fit into the DSL of the problem domain you are modeling. Functions from the ADT namespace are especially made to make this process as easy as possible.

const { adt: {Type} } = require('futils');


We start by creating a Matrix data type with the Type function. You can use Type and UnionType in your programs create your own data types and enumeration types. The signature of Type looks like this:

Type :: String -> Array String -> Constructor.

The Matrix data type is going to carry the individual shifting matrix for the characters of a given string.

// data Matrix = Matrix (Array String)
const Matrix = Type('Matrix', ['value']);

Matrix.fn.map = function (f) {
    return Matrix(this.value.map(f));

Matrix.fn.reduce = function (f, a) {
    return this.value.reduce(f, a);

Also, let's make Matrix a part of the Functor family by providing a map method for it. Because Matrix is a container for an Array of Arrays of Strings, the map method takes a single function and projects it over each String in the inner Arrays, then returning a new Matrix of the results. We can make Matrix be a part of the Foldable typeclass as well by providing a reduce method.


Each character of the text will be presented in a special type Char. The purpose of char is to provide the possibility to manipulate characters in terms of their character code. We make Char part of the family of Functors to provide it with the necessary capability.

// data Char = Char String
const Char = Type('Char', ['value']);

Char.fn.map = function (f) {
    return Char(String.fromCharCode(f(this.value.charCodeAt(0))));


To represent the shifting operations, introduce a typeclass Operation which takes a function and allows classifies it as operation. To accomplish building chains of operations with this, let's make Operation a part of the family of Monoid typeclasses with the concat method being designed to perform function composition.

// data Operation = Operation (a -> a)
const Operation = Type('Operation', ['run']);

Operation.empty = () => Operation(a => a);

Operation.fn.concat = function (f) {
    return Operation(x => f.run(this.run(x)));

As it turns out, that's exactly what the Fn monoid from futils is designed to do. You will find it in the monoid namespace. This means, we can get rid of Operation and just use Fn.

const { adt: {Type},
        monoid: {Fn} } = require('futils');

When should I use a library data structure instead of my own data types? This greatly depends on the use case. For example:

You have to build a classic "Todo" application. For this, you know you will have to interface with a lot of stuff like logging, network and DOM access, as well as accessing and manipulating the localStorage.
You decide to use the IO monad, the Task monad and the Either/Maybe monad to build connections with these APIs and use custom types only to describe the data inside the standard structures or to model the core logic of your application.

Step 3: Modeling functions

So now we have types, let's think about the functions we need. The lambda namespace of futils grants access to utilities for combining and manipulating functions.

const { adt: {Type},
        monoid: {Fn} ,
        lambda: {curry, pipe} } = require('futils');

Text processing

First off, we need a way to take a complete text, transform it into lines of text, transform the lines into individual words and transform these words into separate characters. JavaScript implements the split method for Strings, and we are going to use it. Let's create a pure split function we can toss around. The function takes a "mark" argument which can either be a string or a regular expression.

// split :: String|Regex -> String -> Array String
const split = curry((mark, str) => str.split(mark));

// toChars :: String -> Array (Array (Array String))
//            ^         ^      ^      ^
//            Text      Lines  Words  Chars
const toChars = pipe(
    lines => lines.map(split(/\s+/g)),
    lines => lines.map(words => words.map(split(''))));

With it, we can build a pipeline of operations (toChar) we want to perform on a given string to split it into lines, words and characters while preserving the correct nesting as Array structure. This structure is the reason why we have to dot chain .map all the way down. It looks a bit ugly, mainly because we haven't written it in pointfree form. Let's change it.

const { adt: {Type},
        monoid: {Fn} ,
        lambda: {curry, pipe},
        operation: {map, prop} } = require('futils');

With the help of the map function from operation, we can omit specifying the (cognitive) type of data we are working with. This helps us to not tie a function to a specific problem domain and therefor increase the chance for us to reuse it in other parts of our program.

// split :: String|Regex -> String -> Array String
const split = curry((mark, str) => str.split(mark));

// toChars :: String -> Array (Array (Array String))
const toChars = pipe(


Complementing to split and toChars, let's write two other functions join and fromChars. The split and join functions are symmetrical and in conjuction form a homomorphism, the same goes for toChars and fromChars. This means if you put a text into toChars and the output of toChars into fromChars, you get the initial input back.

fromChars(toChars('hello world')) === 'hello world'.

Here is the implementation:

// join :: String -> Array String -> String
const join = curry((mark, xs) => xs.join(mark));

// fromChars :: Array (Array (Array String)) -> String
const fromChars = pipe(
    map(join(' ')),

The parser

It's time we create our "parser". As you know, a parser is a piece of software that takes an AST and transforms it into machine code. To some extend, our parser works in the same way, although it is much simpler. Have a look at the code below:

// Parser :: Object (String : String -> Fn (Number -> Number))
const Parser = {
    '=': val => Fn(() => Number(val.replace('=', ''))),
    '+': val => Fn(n => n + Number(val.replace('+', ''))),
    '-': val => Fn(n => n - Number(val.replace('-', ''))),
    '*': val => Fn(n => n * Number(val.replace('*', ''))),
    '/': val => Fn(n => n / Number(val.replace('/', '')))

Basically, our parser is just an assignment of some mathematical symbols to functions that return a Fn monoid as a result.

The final pieces we have to write utilize the foldMap function of the operation namespace, so we have to import it:

const { adt: {Type},
        monoid: {Fn} ,
        lambda: {curry, pipe},
        operation: {map, prop, foldMap} } = require('futils');

In general, the signature of foldMap looks like this:

foldMap :: Functor F, Semigroup S => (a -> S a) -> F a -> S a

So it takes a function from some type a to a Semigroup a, then a Functor a and it finally returns a Semigroup a. Knowing that every monoid is also a valid semigroup, it is useful to conflate the Fn monoids from our parser into a single monoid while simultaneously mapping the parser over a given matrix. Finally, we return the .value property of the resulting monoid which holds the complete transformation for any given number.

// interpreter :: (Matrix, Parser) -> (Number -> Number)
const interpreter = (m, p) => foldMap(x => p[x[0]](x), m).value;

The hidden beauty of this design is this: The interpreter function allows us to use any parser which returns monoids as well as any kind of matrix that implements Foldable. This means we can use it with other parsers and/or setups, too!

Portability demo There's a different solution which uses the same function available in the alternative solution.

With this at our fingertips, we can generalise the way how the interpreter functions we create with interpreter will be applied to a character unit inside a Char:

// transform :: (Matrix, Parser) -> (String -> String)
const transform = (m, p) => pipe(Char, map(interpreter(m, p)), prop('value'));

// convert :: Matrix -> Parser -> (String -> String)
const convert = curry((m, p) => pipe(toChars, map(map(map(transform(m, p)))), fromChars));

The convert function just glues all the pieces together.

Step 4: Done

It's time to do a quick test. Just create two matrices for encoding and decoding, the corresponding encoder and decoder and try it:

const encoderMatrix = Matrix(['*2', '+2', '/2']);
const decoderMatrix = Matrix(['*2', '-2', '/2']);

const encoder = convert(encoderMatrix, Parser);
const decoder = convert(decoderMatrix, Parser);

console.log(`Encoded 'Hello world': ${encoder('Hello world')}`);
console.log(`Homomorphism? ${encoder(decoder('Hello world')) === 'Hello world'}`);

You can see the complete code below.

const { adt: {Type},
        monoid: {Fn},
        lambda: {curry, pipe},
        operation: {map, prop, foldMap} } = require('futils');

/********** DATA TYPES **********/

// data Matrix = Matrix (Array String)
const Matrix = Type('Matrix', ['value']);

Matrix.fn.map = function (f) {
    return Matrix(this.value.map(f));

Matrix.fn.reduce = function (f, a) {
    return this.value.reduce(f, a);

// data Char = Char String
const Char = Type('Char', ['value']);

Char.fn.map = function (f) {
    return Char(String.fromCharCode(f(this.value.charCodeAt(0))));

/********** PARSER **********/

// Parser :: Object (String : String -> Fn (Number -> Number))
const Parser = {
    '=': val => Fn(() => Number(val.replace('=', ''))),
    '+': val => Fn(n => n + Number(val.replace('+', ''))),
    '-': val => Fn(n => n - Number(val.replace('-', ''))),
    '*': val => Fn(n => n * Number(val.replace('*', ''))),
    '/': val => Fn(n => n / Number(val.replace('/', '')))

/********** FUNCTIONS **********/

// split :: String|Regex -> String -> Array String
const split = curry((mark, str) => str.split(mark));

// join :: String -> Array String -> String
const join = curry((mark, xs) => xs.join(mark));

// toChars :: String -> Array (Array (Array String))
const toChars = pipe(

// fromChars :: Array (Array (Array String)) -> String
const fromChars = pipe(
    map(join(' ')),

// interpreter :: (Matrix, Parser) -> (Number -> Number)
const interpreter = (m, p) => foldMap(x => p[x[0]](x), m).value;

// transform :: (Matrix, Parser) -> (String -> String)
const transform = (m, p) => pipe(Char, map(interpreter(m, p)), prop('value'));

// convert :: Matrix -> Parser -> (String -> String)
const convert = curry((m, p) => pipe(toChars, map(map(map(transform(m, p)))), fromChars));

module.exports = {Matrix, Parser, convert};

Alternative solution

If you are interested, there is an alternative solution in the tutorials section, which allows for this final syntax:

// result :: Sentence a
const result = Sentence.
    fromString('hello world - how are you today?').

result.join(' '); // -> "!olleH !dlroW - !woH !erA !uoY !?yadoT"